Today is Labor Day – the day we celebrate our work by taking a day off. Bob Kaylor’s sermon yesterday (hear it – read it) has me reflecting upon our work and call. When we talk about call in this context, most people think that only pastors, missionaries, and others who work in and around the church are called to their work. I believe all of us are called to something (see Romans 12:3-8 for example). The religious professionals are simply fortunate that they can make a living working their call.
Even though your call may not be your job, you still have a call. Paul in the Romans passage writes that some of us are called to be generous, to lead, or to be compassionate. None of us is called to be on the sidelines. We have each been wired to do something that builds up the kingdom of God.
To what have you been called? It may be your job, or it may not. Whatever it is, give it all you’ve got to the glory of God.