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Month: February 2015

Is God a football fan?

After his Seattle Seahawks made their remarkable comeback against the Green Bay Packers two Sundays ago, sideline reporter Erin Andrews put a microphone in front of quarterback Russell Wilson. Down 19-7 with just 4 minutes left in the game, the Seahawks finished the game with a ridiculous 2-point conversion, the recovery of an onside kick, and completed a beautiful pass in overtime to win. Overcome with emotion and fighting tears, Wilson appeared to attribute his team’s unlikely victory to God.

Russell Wilson, quarterback
Russell Wilson is the dynamic quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks. Photo by Larry Maurer, courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

“God is too good all the time, man. Every time,” he said.

A few minutes later, he was again asked about the comeback, specifically how badly he had played up until those final 4 minutes. “That’s God setting it up,” Wilson replied, “to make it so dramatic, so rewarding, so special.”

I really like Russell Wilson. I’ve heard several interviewers say that the public persona is not put on. He is the real deal. I’m reasonably sure that sometime during the never-ending pre-game we will see a profile piece on him showing him visiting kids in hospitals and doing good all over Seattle. Wow, I respect that. And I will be rooting hard for his team to vanquish the evil empire this afternoon.

But I have some serious questions about his post-conference championship game theology.

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