As associates, or other staff members, we grow accustomed to limited time in the limelight. The lead pastor gets the majority of the “up front” duties while we are in the basement with the youth group, in the nursery with the children, at the booth running production, facilitating a meeting of a small group, or doing other work behind the scenes. For those of us who have made staff-ministry a career, we prefer it this way… most of the time. Other times we can fall into the trap of wondering if anyone notices what we do, or if we are toiling in anonymity.
It is not a character flaw to want your efforts to be noticed. We all do. That should not be a driving factor in our efforts though because that is not what ministry is about. Our role as a staff member is to participate in the ministry of the entire congregation as we lead our particular area(s) no matter who is getting the credit at the moment. We are part of a team where every member matters (see more about this in another post, and Paul’s image of the church as the body in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 et al.). It ought not be about who is getting the credit, other than God.
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