Conventional wisdom for church crisis to be to replace the entire staff and start fresh. I strongly disagree. This is a huge mistake. The congregation already feels betrayed. They don’t also need to feel abandoned.
Staff members willing to do the hard, messy work are in a unique position to walk with the congregation through this valley. Many in the congregation will recognize you’ve been hurt too, creating a bond of shared experience. You are perceived as having a level of understanding that those coming after you will not have. Staying with the congregation also shows a level of investment, and can go a long way toward restoring trust.
When crisis comes to the church there will be pain. People will be angry and will sometimes direct it at you. People will leave. But you, the associate or other staff member, are in a unique position to be an agent of healing. Do not run away from that responsibility. Stick it out. Run the race. Finish the course.