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Month: September 2015

A 9/11 reflection

This post originally appeared on September 11, 2011, but the sentiment remains today.

Entrance to the Middletown World Trade Center Memorial Gardens.
Middletown, NJ remembers the victims of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Photo from Middletown Township website. Click to learn more about the Memorial Gardens.

I am praying today for the people of Middletown, New Jersey, a community I had the privilege of being part of from 1994 to 2005.

On September 11, 2001 I was in my office at Middletown United Methodist Church where I was serving as the Youth and Family Minister.

Years earlier one of our members told me how he and his family had found the church. He spent several Saturdays stopping at towns along the New Jersey Transit rail line to find a place he and his family would like to live. The 45-minute commute by train between work in New York City and a great place to live had sold him, as it had so many in the area–evidenced by the full parking lot of the Middletown Train Station every weekday.

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