Not Your Ordinary Joe was my short-lived attempt at a personal podcast. The episode pages now have the scripts I wrote so you can read.
What the podcast was about
How do you live as a faithful follower of Jesus in the real world… here… now? That’s a question this ‘ordinary Joe’ has been asking for a long time.
For years, I wrestled with this semi-publicly as a pastor and youth minister. I attempted to answer questions from students honestly and challenge adults to look at their faith in new ways.
I’ve also thought deeply about it privately, striving to understand my faith better. I can’t tell you how often I’ve said to a family member, “If you follow that theological thought, it doesn’t work” and, “Do people really believe that?”
In this podcast, I’m working through these things with you, if you’re willing to take the ride with me.
But don’t expect easy answers or lofty promises. No bumper sticker, meme or church sign theology—oh how I despise church signs. I want to know what it really means to be a faithful follower of Jesus in the 21st century, even when that rubs up against what we’ve always heard before.
Oh, by the way, my name is Joe Iovino, and I am not your ordinary Joe.
‘Not Your Ordinary Joe’
Theme music by Joseph Iovino.
Artwork by Kristi Iovino.
I have edited all episode pages so that you can read what was said.